In FDA-regulated industry, it is imperative that firms should be well aware of the recent policy changes and understand what laws and regulations apply for FDA-regulated products on the US market (e.g., food, drugs, biologics, cosmetics, and medical devices including in vitro diagnostics).
This conference is intended to discuss FDA policy changes including the changes for FDA inspection in 2019 under the new political environment. This presentation is further intended to help the industry prepare better and manage an FDA inspection more proactively and effectively. The speaker will share his actionable tips and advice in view of the recent FDA policy changes in 2019.
The speaker will also discuss practical, actionable, and sustainable guidance on how to prepare for a sustainable FDA inspection and how to manage the FDA inspection process including Dos and Don’ts before, during and after the inspection.
This presentation will provide great opportunities to become familiar with what lessons we can learn from FDA enforcement and inspection practices.
The speaker will share his PASS-IT recommendation/suggestions – dos and don’ts.
Dr. David Lim, Ph.D., RAC, ASQ-CQA. Dr. Lim is President and Principal of Regulatory Consulting Firm, Regulatory Doctor ( Dr. Lim is a leading industry speaker and has presented and addressed FDA regulatory and compliance matters in various forums and meetings.
Dr. Lim has helped both pharma and medical device industry for regulatory, clinical and compliance matters. Dr. Lim has also advised many firms including, but not limited to risk management firms, venture capital firms, asset management firms, and fund managers to make right investment decisions in view of FDA regulatory and compliance matters.
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST