Every hospital should be prepared in case a surveyor shows up at your door tomorrow. This webinar will focus on the protocol changes and the swing bed changes that were promulgated by CMS on October 12, 2018, and amended November 29, 2019. In fact, CMS completely rewrote all of the swing bed regulations. The swing bed interpretive guidelines and survey procedures are now under Appendix PP. Many CAHs are not aware of these changes or are still struggling to comply. It was very difficult for CAHs to figure out what the interpretive guidelines and survey procedures are since there was no crosswalk. This webinar was created to take the mystery out of this. This is a must-attend webinar for any CAHs with swing beds. CMS is also changing all of the CAH tag numbers and the new numbers for the swing beds will be included.
Hospitals have seen a significant increase in survey activity by CMS along with an increasing number of deficiencies. Common deficiencies and how to avoid them will be discussed. Information on how to locate the CAH manual and other resources will be discussed.
CMS has a new address to access all of the CMS manuals. CMS also has a new email to address questions directly to CMS and both of these will be included.
Changes to the CAH Manual and Introduction to CAH CoPs
Special Requirements for CAH Providers of Long-Term Care Services (Swing beds)
Basically anyone who is responsible for taking care of swing bed patients in a CAH or for implementing the CMS swing bed requirements. This includes the following:
CEOs, COOs, CFOs, nurse executives, accreditation and regulation director, nurse managers, pharmacists, quality managers, risk managers, healthcare attorneys, health information management personnel, social workers, dieticians, health information management, nurses, nurse educators, nursing supervisors, patient safety officer, director of Rehab (OT, PT, speech pathology, and audiology), dietician, director of health information management, infection preventionist, dietician, activities director of swing bed patients, and compliance officers.
Sue Dill Calloway, R.N., M.S.N, J.D. is a nurse attorney and President of Patient Safety and Healthcare Consulting and Education. She is also the past Chief Learning Officer for the Emergency Medicine Patient Safety Foundation and a current board member. She was a director for risk management and patient safety for five years for the Doctors Company. She was the past VP of Legal Services at a community hospital in addition to being the Privacy Officer and the Compliance Officer. She worked for over 8 years as the Director of Risk Management and Health Policy for the Ohio Hospital Association. She was also the immediate past director of hospital patient safety and risk management for The Doctors Insurance Company in Columbus area for five years. She does frequent lectures on legal and risk management issues and writes numerous publications.
Sue has been a medico-legal consultant for over 30 years. She has done many educational programs for nurses, physicians, and other health care providers on topics such as nursing law, ethics and nursing, malpractice prevention, HIPAA medical record confidentiality, EMTALA anti-dumping law, Joint Commission issues, CMS issues, documentation, medication errors, medical errors, documentation, pain management, federal laws for nursing, sentinel events, MRI Safety, Legal Issues in Surgery, patient safety and other similar topics. She is a leading expert in the country on CMS hospital CoPs issues and does over 250 educational programs per year. She was the first one in the country to be a certified professional in CMS. She also teaches the course for the CMS certification program.
She also writes many articles for Briefing on the Joint Commission. She also writes articles on ambulatory surgery and present educational programs on ambulatory surgery issues. She was affiliated with Mount Carmel College of Nursing as an adjunct nursing professor for over seventeen years. She was also a trial attorney for eight years defending nurses, physicians and healthcare facilities.
She has been employed in the nursing profession for more than 30 years. Ms. Calloway has legal experience in medical malpractice defense for physicians, nurses and other health professionals. She is also certified in healthcare risk management by the American Society of Healthcare Risk Managers.
Ms. Calloway received her AD in nursing from Central Ohio Technical College, her BA, BSN, MSN (summa cum laude) and JD (with honors) degrees are from Capital University in Columbus. She is a member of many professional organizations. She has a certificate in insurance from the American Insurance Institute.
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