Case Management Boot Camp 2019

HEALTHCARE Mar 27, 2019 450 minutes
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST


The world of healthcare is changing rapidly, and so is the role of case management in that world!  The federal fiscal year 2019 promises to bring new and exciting changes that will impact your work as a case management professional. Whether you are reading or hearing about value-based reimbursement, the Affordable Care Act, the continuum of care, bundled payments, transitions in care, or accountable care organizations, case management is at the center of it all!

Because things are changing so rapidly, it can be a challenge to stay current and knowledgeable in the issues that most greatly impact your role as a case manager.  Each year we bring you the latest and greatest in the field of acute care case management.  We hope to do the same for you again this year!  Reimbursement has changed dramatically as has utilization management, transitional planning, and compliance. CMS has incorporated changes that impact on payments related to readmissions, length of stay and the cost of care.  And who is in a better place to address these issues than case managers!  Finally, how do you measure your impact on the cost and quality of care and the reimbursement your organization receives for that care? 

All these topics and more will be covered in this jam-packed five-part series.  The program will start with an overview of state of the art in case management today, how we got here, and where we are going in the future including a review of acute care reimbursement.  From there we will discuss the often-confusing subject of all the roles that occur in best practice departments.  

You will learn more about the complimentary, but separate roles of RN case managers and social work case managers.  From there, we will address best practice case management department models.  We will then review what utilization management and transitional planning really mean under the current CMS rules and the new CMS proposed rules. We will end our series with a discussion on the best ways to measure the outcomes of your case management department and its impact on the organization.

Whether you are new to case management or a seasoned pro, this webinar series will provide you with the latest and most up-to-date topics and information that you will need to be at the top of your game and produce the best outcomes for you, your patients and your organization.

Part 1: A Primer in Acute Care Reimbursement: From DRGs to Bundled Payments       

Feb 28, 2019    1:00 PM EST   90 Minutes

This program will provide a foundation of knowledge and understanding of the DRG system used as the structure for reimbursement under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Included in this will be a review of the DRG relative weights, case mix index and expected lengths of stay. Medical record coding will be explained in the context of how hospitals get reimbursed. 

  A discussion of managed care will follow this and managed care contracting as well as the various managed care products currently on the market. The program will conclude with a discussion on bundled payments and what case management professionals need to know in order to assist their organizations in controlling cost and length of stay in a bundled payment environment where patients may access care and use resources at any touch point on the continuum.

Part 2: Acute Care Case Management Roles, Models and Staffing Ratios: Who Does What and When?       

Mar 06, 2019   1:00 PM EST   90 Minutes

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has instituted  linkages between cost and quality through value-based purchasing and other cost-saving measures such as payment penalties for high readmission rates. These changes  have created the first links between the cost and quality of health care. These factors now require that case management models begin to change and adapt. The early case management models no longer meet the needs of the changing healthcare landscape!  It is for this reason that hospitals and health care systems must look thoughtfully and carefully at the design of their case management models, the roles used, and staffing ratios of their case management departments. 

This program will review contemporary, best practice, case management roles and models. The program will begin with the contemporary case management roles used in hospitals today. This will be followed by a model review which will include descriptions of the two most commonly used models, the key differences between the models, as well as how they should be designed and structured. 

Part 3: Utilization Management: What Does it Really Mean for Case Management Professionals?       

Mar 21, 2019   1:00 PM EST   90 Minutes

Utilization management was the first role applied in acute care case management models.  It was first known of as utilization review but has evolved into something much more comprehensive.  Today it encompasses elements of resource management and denials management as well.  This program will review the role of utilization management as it applies to today’s contemporary case management models. Included will be best-practice suggestions for your practice with tips and strategies for stream-lining the process and making it as efficient as it can be.  Required compliance for utilization management processes will also be addressed.  Lastly, there will be a focus on incorporating the role of utilization management with the other roles of case management:  resource management, discharge planning and care coordination.

Part 4: Transitional and Discharge Planning Under the Current and Proposed CMS Rules for 2019       

Mar 27, 2019   1:00 PM EST   90 Minutes

Discharge planning has become more than just the movement of the patient out of the hospital.  It is a “process” that starts at the point of admission and follows through to the community and the post-acute care providers. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has specific requirements for this process. This program will review those requirements.  It will also discuss the challenges hospitals are facing as they assume more risk some of the new payment models, such as bundled payments. Strategies for safely transitioning your patients across the continuum of care will be discussed.  In addition, we will review how to engage other members of the interdisciplinary care team in the process of planning for the patient’s movement across the continuum including verbal and written hand-off communication. Transitional planning is no longer a destination but a process!  Learn how to align with the next level of care providers and ensure that your processes address the complexities of the new healthcare environment.

Part 5: Is Your Case Management Department Making the Grade? Here’s How to Measure your Case Management Outcomes          

Apr 02, 2019   1:00 PM EST   90 Minutes

This webinar will discuss and review the expected outcomes of a contemporary case management department.  Also included will be a discussion as to how to align these outcomes with the hospital’s strategic plan.  As you select these indicators, you will need to have clear benchmark data that represent national or local standards which you can measure yourself against.  This program will include the most up-to-date case management outcome indicators in an age of healthcare reform.  Also included will be a discussion of how to report this information and how to use it for performance improvement.  Only data can truly tell you how you are doing and this program will help to get on track to achieving the best outcomes you possible can!

Presenter BIO

Toni G. Cesta, Ph.D., RN, FAAN

is a founding partner of Case Management Concepts, LLC, a consulting company which assists institutions in designing, implementing and evaluating case management models in the acute care, emergency department and outpatient settings. Dr. Cesta writes a monthly column called “Case Management Insider” in the Hospital Case Management newsletter in which she shares insights and information on current issues and trends in case management. 

Dr. Cesta has held positions as Senior Vice President – Operational Efficiency and Capacity Management at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York where she was responsible for case management, social work, discharge planning, utilization management, denial management, bed management, the patient navigator program, the clinical documentation improvement program and systems process improvement. 

Dr. Cesta has a BS in Biology from Wagner College, a BS in Nursing from Adelphi University, an MA in Nursing Administration from New York University, and a Ph.D. in Nursing Research and Theory Development from New York University. Dr. Cesta is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

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