In what way will you know that what you are purchasing, selling or consuming is paid for by you? How are you going to know that what you made payment for has not been deliberately mislabeled or changed?
Considering the increase in food transportation, as food producers, suppliers and consumers we are buying a large amount of food from foreign nations many times with slight supervision or regulation on what is being brought or supplied to our restaurants, supermarkets, and refrigerators.
New laws are being enacted which states that food processors, wholesalers, handlers, and eateries must commence the development of food fraud compliance systems.
Diverse sections of the food industry are included and they have to function in such a way that will safeguard themselves and their firms.
In this session, the present condition of food fraud, the laws put in place to regulate it and the level of fraud that is presently in operation will be explored. The FDA has launched another “intentional adulteration” laws based on the Food Safety Modernization Act and based on global recognition of the issue, other nations are improving their import controls over an unlawful exchange.
Dr. John Ryan is a certified Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PQCI) specializing in food safety process control and food safety plan validation. He holds a Ph.D. in research and statistical methods and has extensive international manufacturing quality and operations experience in large and small manufacturing operations and he is a retired Hawaii State Department of Agriculture Quality Assurance Division administrator.He currently operates two business divisions focused on food safety system validation ( and transportation controls ( has previously published books other covering food fraud, teams and teamwork and has recently completed a new book on validating preventive controls in food operations.
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