Food intoxications and contaminations have for a long time been attributed to microbiological issues, however, reality has also brought into question cases of intentional contamination of food otherwise known as adulteration. This webinar will look at food infections and intoxications caused by microbiological related issues and go on to take a closer look at intentional manipulation of food for economic gains. The issue of food fraud will be reviewed, particularly the cases where food is uses intentionally as a biological weapon. We will look at the different ways food companies can implement to reduce the risks of food fraud.
There are some HACCP programs that are in place designed to minimize the risks of inadvertent food contamination during the production processes. However, these programs do not work to mitigate the intentional contamination of food by some structures. To put an end to food fraud and adulteration, other methods of control need to be implemented. The economic impact of intentional food contamination on its own is enough to require immediate structures of food control. Brand names and product types can effectively be damaged and ruined for good by adulterations. Participants will be equipped with knowledge on how best they can apply food safety programs in an effort to mitigate the intentional manipulation of food and all risks related to food fraud.
Michael Brodsky has been an Environmental Microbiologist for more than 44 years. He is a Past President of the Ontario Food Protection Association, the International Association for Food Protection and AOAC International. He serves as co-Chair for the AOAC Expert Review Committee for Microbiology, as a scientific reviewer in Microbiology for the AOAC Official Methods of Analysis and the AOAC Research Institute. He is a reviewer for Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and a chapter co-editor on QA for the Compendium of Methods in Microbiology. He is also a technical assessor in microbiology for the Standard Council of Canada and Certified by Exemplar Global as a lead auditor/assessor for the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA).
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST