PVC for the Cardiology Specialty: UE, Carotids, Subclavians, Verts- Procedural Coding

HEALTHCARE Jul 06, 2017 60 minutes
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST


CMS along with AMA CPT has made a number of significant changes to the coding for PV services as it relates to the Cardiology specialty coding for non-coronary procedures. Now that these changes have gone into effect, health care organizations should be monitoring and auditing their existing records to make sure they are capturing services and maximizing their reimbursements. This presentation will address coding along with billing and payments for said services and give "real" working examples for attendees to follow.

Areas Covered in the Session:-

  • Capturing the 2017 Moderate Sedation Codes for Peripheral Vascular services.
  • Coding for a cardiac cath and an "arch" angiogram at the same encounter.
  • Coding for PV services in the office and facility setting>reimbursement discussion.
  • Understanding the Carotid angiography combined codes 36221-36228.
  • Carotid and Subclavian interventions and what is and what is not bundled into these procedures.
  • Vertebral coding is tricky depending on intent, we will teach you the correct way to code.
  • Modifiers as it relates to Peripheral Vascular procedural coding

What tools and benefits will your session provide to the attendees?

Real Case Study examples, How to Tips for physicians, and easy to understand guidelines for PV services, and language examples to make sure physicians are compliant in their documentation when trying to capture new services in 2017, and support all non-coronary procedures.

Who should attend?

Coders, Billers, Administrators, Collectors, physicians, back office, mid-levels, Cath lab employees, Hospital Outpatient coders

Presenter BIO

Ms. Terry Fletcher is a Specialty Coding Industry Coding and Billing Expert, Auditor and Educator based in Laguna Beach, California, with over 30 years experience. Terry is a past member of the National Advisory Board for AAPC, past Chair of the AAPCCA, and AAPC National and Regional Conference Educator. Ms. Fletcher is the Technical Editor for the Select Coder® from DecisionHealth, Editorial Advisor for Cardiology Coding Alert! & Practice Management Coding Alert! from The Coding Institute. Ms. Fletcher is an Educator for McVey Seminars, MGMA, Audio Educator, AAPC, AHIMA, Medlearn, OnlineAudioTraining.com, DecisionHealth, TCI, and PioneerEducator, teaching over 100 specialty coding Seminars, Teleconferences, and Webinars every year. Terry is the author of several coding and reimbursement publications, as well as a practice auditor for multiple specialty practices around the country. Ms. Fletcher moderates her own Coding Corner Network for online CPT/ICD-10-CM Coding Questions from physician coders around the country. Terry holds a bachelor’s degree (BS) in Economics, multiple certifications in coding, and her proficiency certification in ICD-10-CM: CPC, CCC, CEMC, SCP-CA, ACS-CA, CCS-P, CCS, CMSCS, CMCS, CMC. Her coding and reimbursement specialties include Cardiology, Peripheral-Cardiology, Gastroenterology, E/M Auditing, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Neurology, and Interventional Radiology.

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