The Global Surgical Package (GSP) for the Medicare program has for some time been an issue for doctors in respect to appropriate coding, charging and looking after consistence. To completely comprehend the GSP and then appropriately make use of the modifiers that accompany the GSP needs huge comprehension and study. Furthermore, legitimate procedures and systems must be instituted to perform consistent coding and charging. The RBRVS (Resource Based Relative Value Scale) is likewise influenced by the GSP because the pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative portions must be isolated for the purposes purpose of payment. Over the recent years, CMS has come to the realization that there are noteworthy issues with appropriate coding under the GSP. CMS has chosen to eliminate the GSP despite the fact that this change will require huge research and investigation with respect to CMS. The central question is how the GSP can be eliminated without unduly affecting doctors?
. Global Surgical Package Concept
• Blanket Payment for Surgery
• Surgeon Orientation versus Surgery Orientation
• Related Anesthesia Package
• Differences in GSPs
2. Medicare GPS for MPFS
• Pre-Operative Period and Services
• Intra-Operative Period and Services
• Post-Operative Period and Services
1. 0 Day
2. 10 Days
3. 90 Days
4. Inside Hospital Post-Operative Care versus Post-Discharge Care
5. "- 54", "- 55" and "- 56" Modifiers
6. Indicators inside the MPFS
7. Transfer of Care for Post-Operative Services
8. NCCI Edit Policy Manual Instructions
9. Anesthesia Package Idea
10. Case Studies and Examples
11. Related Surgical Package in Other Payment Systems
• MSDRGs – Pre-Admission Window
• APCs – Surgical Package
• Private Third-Party Payer Use of GSPs
• Compliance Concerns
12. CMS Eliminates GSP
• CMS Activities in Readiness for Elimination
• Relative Value Adjustments for Surgeries
• Data Collection for Pre and Post-Surgical Services
• Considering the Present Misuse of the GSP
• Possible Impact on Physicians
13. Sources for Further InformationDuane C. Abbey, Ph.D., is a management consultant and president of Abbey & Abbey, Consultants, Inc. that specializes in health care consulting and related areas. His firm is based in Ames, Iowa. Dr. Abbey earned his graduate degrees at the University of Notre Dame and IowaStateUniversity specializing in mathematics and computer science. Dr. Abbey has published many articles in a variety of professional publications. Also, he has published more than a dozen books on healthcare topics for publishers such as McGraw-Hill, HCPro and Francis & Taylor. Dr. Abbey works extensively in all areas relating to coding, billing and reimbursement. This includes various payment systems, provider-based clinics, HIPAA privacy and security, and revenue enhancement for hospitals and clinics. He has worked extensively with physicians and hospitals. And, yes, his favorite reading material is the Federal Register!
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