Physician and Case Management Collaboration: Aligning with Hospitalists, Physician Advisors, ED Physicians and Other Key Stakeholders

HEALTHCARE May 01, 2019 90 minutes
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST


Physicians are key in case management departments with optimal outcomes.  Certainly, the key physician roles are the physician advisor and the hospitalist.  This webinar will focus on these two roles specifically, as well as the roles of high volume admitters in general.

The role of the physician advisor in hospital case management is a varied role.  Not every hospital has an internal physician advisor.  If a hospital does not have an internal physician advisor, it usually has an external physician advisor.  Rarely are physicians prepared to this role.  Additionally, rarely are case managers or case management leaders prepared for implementing and/or collaborating with physicians in this role.  The collaborative role of the physician advisor and those in the case management department is one of the lynchpins to assist the department and practicing physicians to positively impact hospital outcomes.  

The past twenty years hospitalists have been integrating into acute care hospitals with the initial goal of decreasing length of stay.  As the role of the hospitalist has evolved there has been an increased attention to collaboration with case managers and social workers to ensure not only a decreased length of stay, but compliance to federal and state regulations, as well as following contractual agreements with commercial payers.  

Learning Objectives:-

  • Identify the key roles of the physician advisor and the hospitalist
  • Develop best practice strategies with key physician stakeholders to ensure optimal outcomes
  • Identify opportunities for improvement at key locations throughout the hospital while collaborating with physicians

Course Outline:-

Review of key stakeholders in physician and case manager collaboration

  • RN case manager
  • Social work case manager
  • Physician advisor
  • Physician stakeholders
    • Hospitalist
    • ED physicians
    • High volume admitters

Physician advisor rule

  • Job description
  • Critical strategies for working with both internal and external physician advisor
  • Auditing physician advisor activities.
  • PA role and Utilization Review Committee

Hospitalist role

  • Specialized hospitalist roles
  • Critical strategies for hospitalist and case management collaboration

Other physician roles and best-practice strategies for case management departments

Ensuring compliance while working collaborating with physicians

  • Conditions of Participation: Utilization management and discharge planning
  • 2 midnight rule
  • Impatient only list
  • Alternative payment models, such as bundled payments
  • Rounding and the multidisciplinary team

The avoidable day process and physicians

Evaluating your physician collaboration processes

Why You Should Attend?

Some physician groups have not been able to impact hospital outcomes because of the gap of leadership coordination for both the physician group and/or the case management department.  Attendees will understand the role of the physician advisor, the hospitalist, other key physician stakeholders, and their collaborative responsibility with the case management department—RN case managers, social worker case managers, and leadership. 

This webinar will focus on methods to ensure best-practice strategies for aligning themselves and the case management department with the practices of key physician stakeholders.

Who Should Attend?

  • RN Case Managers
  • Case Management Leaders
  • Social Workers
  • Outcomes and Quality Improvement Managers
  • Hospitalists
  • Physician Advisors
  • Medical Directors
  • ED Physicians


Presenter BIO

Toni G. Cesta, Ph.D., RN, FAAN

is a founding partner of Case Management Concepts, LLC, a consulting company which assists institutions in designing, implementing and evaluating case management models in the acute care, emergency department and outpatient settings. Dr. Cesta writes a monthly column called “Case Management Insider” in the Hospital Case Management newsletter in which she shares insights and information on current issues and trends in case management. 

Dr. Cesta has held positions as Senior Vice President – Operational Efficiency and Capacity Management at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York where she was responsible for case management, social work, discharge planning, utilization management, denial management, bed management, the patient navigator program, the clinical documentation improvement program and systems process improvement. 

Dr. Cesta has a BS in Biology from Wagner College, a BS in Nursing from Adelphi University, an MA in Nursing Administration from New York University, and a Ph.D. in Nursing Research and Theory Development from New York University. Dr. Cesta is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

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