Falls is important for patient safety and risk management issue. Not doing this correctly can also cost hospitals a lot of money. CMS includes hospital-acquired conditions (HAC) in which hospitals will not receive a payment related to the adverse events for Medicare patients. One of these areas includes falls. In 2020, there is a 1% reduction in Medicare payments and will affect hospitals whose rate is in the top quartile.
Falls are the number one HAC. Patient death or serious injury associated with a fall is also one of the 29 National Quality Forum Never Events in which some states have agreed not to bill for. Falls can result in the filing of a medical malpractice case. This seminar will discuss how to comply with the Joint Commission and the CMS hospital CoP standards on falls.
Every hospital should consider having a falls team to look at this important patient safety issue. Preventing falls among patients requires a multifaceted approach. This seminar will discuss recognition, evaluation, assessment, categories of risk, policies, and procedures, evidenced-based literature, toileting, medication alteration, hourly rounding, post-fall huddle, need to increase mobility, signage, no passing zone, safe room set up, patient education, incident reports and prevention of falls.
Preventing falls and fall-related injuries is an important issue for hospitals today. Fall prevention is a crucial topic for today’s aging population. Patient falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths for patients over 65 years of age. The goal is to reduce the number of falls, the severity of falls, and increase mobility. It is important that all healthcare facilities be up to date on the current evidenced-based literature to reduce and prevent falls. This includes a toolkit on how to prevent falls by AHRQ and TJC 21 targeted solutions.
Falls are one of the most significant challenges for hospitals and other health care facilities. It will include information on medications that increase the fall rate and the pharmacist role in the fall program. The program will cover a study on how the IT process helped a hospital reduce falls.
Attendance is a must for anyone serving on the falls team and anyone interested in preventing and reducing the number of falls in the hospital setting. All hospitals should have a falls team and fall team members should receive current and up to date information about falls.
Causes of Falls
Falls Assessments and Interventions
Sue Dill Calloway, R.N., M.S.N, J.D. is a nurse attorney and President of Patient Safety and Healthcare Consulting and Education. She is also the past Chief Learning Officer for the Emergency Medicine Patient Safety Foundation and a current board member. She was a director for risk management and patient safety for five years for the Doctors Company. She was the past VP of Legal Services at a community hospital in addition to being the Privacy Officer and the Compliance Officer. She worked for over 8 years as the Director of Risk Management and Health Policy for the Ohio Hospital Association. She was also the immediate past director of hospital patient safety and risk management for The Doctors Insurance Company in Columbus area for five years. She does frequent lectures on legal and risk management issues and writes numerous publications.
Sue has been a medico-legal consultant for over 30 years. She has done many educational programs for nurses, physicians, and other health care providers on topics such as nursing law, ethics and nursing, malpractice prevention, HIPAA medical record confidentiality, EMTALA anti-dumping law, Joint Commission issues, CMS issues, documentation, medication errors, medical errors, documentation, pain management, federal laws for nursing, sentinel events, MRI Safety, Legal Issues in Surgery, patient safety and other similar topics. She is a leading expert in the country on CMS hospital CoPs issues and does over 250 educational programs per year. She was the first one in the country to be a certified professional in CMS. She also teaches the course for the CMS certification program.
She also writes many articles for Briefing on the Joint Commission. She also writes articles on ambulatory surgery and present educational programs on ambulatory surgery issues. She was affiliated with Mount Carmel College of Nursing as an adjunct nursing professor for over seventeen years. She was also a trial attorney for eight years defending nurses, physicians and healthcare facilities.
She has been employed in the nursing profession for more than 30 years. Ms. Calloway has legal experience in medical malpractice defense for physicians, nurses and other health professionals. She is also certified in healthcare risk management by the American Society of Healthcare Risk Managers.
Ms. Calloway received her AD in nursing from Central Ohio Technical College, her BA, BSN, MSN (summa cum laude) and JD (with honors) degrees are from Capital University in Columbus. She is a member of many professional organizations. She has a certificate in insurance from the American Insurance Institute.
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