Hospitals are increasingly establishing provider-based clinics of all types. The provider-based rule (PBR) is complex, and there are definite ambiguities. While hospitals can enjoy increased revenues from provider-based clinics, compliance with all the rules and regulations is challenging. Recent changes in the supervisory requirements for provider-based operations have created confusion and new compliance challenges.
Additionally, with Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, there is the movement to change the rules and regulations relative to reimbursement for provider-based clinics. In this workshop, the overall purpose and function of the provider-based rule is addressed as well as critical information concerning physician supervisory changes along with a discussion of the future of provider-based clinics. Particular attention is made to rule changes as implemented by CMS relative to Section 603 of BBA 2015 and further changes made by Section 16001 of the 21st Century Cures Act. Update information from the CY2018 and CY2019 OPPS and MPFS update Federal Registers will be discussed.
General knowledge of hospitals and various clinic and clinical operations.
All personnel involved with the provider-based clinic and clinical operations, compliance personnel, coding and billing personnel, nursing staff and interested physicians are encouraged to attend.
Duane C. Abbey, Ph.D., is a management consultant and president of Abbey & Abbey, Consultants, Inc. that specializes in health care consulting and related areas. His firm is based in Ames, Iowa. Dr. Abbey earned his graduate degrees at the University of Notre Dame and IowaStateUniversity specializing in mathematics and computer science. Dr. Abbey has published many articles in a variety of professional publications. Also, he has published more than a dozen books on healthcare topics for publishers such as McGraw-Hill, HCPro and Francis & Taylor. Dr. Abbey works extensively in all areas relating to coding, billing and reimbursement. This includes various payment systems, provider-based clinics, HIPAA privacy and security, and revenue enhancement for hospitals and clinics. He has worked extensively with physicians and hospitals. And, yes, his favorite reading material is the Federal Register!
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