This workshop is devoted to reviewing the current status of RAC activities along with due consideration to the new contracts, Scope or Works, and various RAC approved issues. Included will be recent events surrounding the RACs and the backlog of appeals at the ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) and MAC (Medicare Appeals Council) level. There are currently hundreds of thousands pf pending appeals. OMHA (Office of Medicare Hearings an Appeals) has indicated that at least two years will be necessary to address current appeals. OMHA has proposed several different ways to address the enormous backlog including statistical extrapolation, settlement conferences, and administrative agreements. One of the main issues is that of medical necessity for inpatient admissions. The inpatient issues has sparked the development of the ‘Over 2-Midnights’ rule. The QIOs (Quality Improvement Organizations) are also becoming involved with short-inpatient stays and the ‘Over 2-Midnights’ rule. CMS has also proposed changes to the appeals process in order to expedite the resolution of the backlog of appeals. The expansion of the RACs to the Medicare Advantage Programs is still in the works with the RADV (Risk Adjustment Data Validation) with a concentration on both comprehensive and condition-specific issues.
I. Overview
a. Objectives of the RAC Program
b. Objectives of Other Federal Auditing Programs
c. Emphasis on Hospital Recoupment
d. Growing Number of Issues for Physicians/Clinics
e. Common Issues for Physicians and Hospitals
II. New RACs and Associated SOWs
a. Five New RACs
b. Guidance from the SOWs
c. Possible Differences in Prioritization of Issues
III. RAC Appeals Process
a. ALJs – Administrative Law Judges
b. MAC – Medicare Appeals Council
c. Specific Timelines Within the Appeals Process
d. How are Recoupments Handled?
IV. Current Backlog of Appeals at the ALJ/MAC Level
a. Number of Appeals
b. Rate of Appeals Reaching the ALJ/MAC Level
c. General Categories of Appeals
d. OMHA’s Reactions and Operational Plans
V. CMS Proposed Changes to the Appeals Process
a. Increased Use of Attorneys
b. Streamlining Processes
VI. Major Concern for RAC Denials of Inpatient Admissions
a. What Constitutes and Inpatient Admission?
b. How Inpatient Is Different From Observation
c. The ‘Over 2-Midnights’ Rule
i. Subregulatory Guidance
ii. Medical Staff Training and Guidance
iii. RAC Involvement
iv. QIO Involvement
VII. OMHA Proposals to Resolve Backlog
a. Statistical Extrapolation
b. Administrative Agreements
c. Settlement Conferences
VIII. Trends in RAC Audit Issues
a. Physicians
b. Hospitals
c. Crossover Issues for Hospitals and Physicians
IX. RAC Audits of Medicare Advantage Programs
a. Special Features of MA Programs
b. Risk Adjusted Payment
c. Auditing and Statistical Analysis Through RADV
X. Additional Special Issues
a. Pre-Payment Audits
b. Issues Involving Statistical Extrapolation
c. CMS Improvements in the RAC Process
XI. Sources for Additional Information
A general understanding of health care compliance, the RACs, the OIG Work Plan and coding, billing and reimbursement compliance.
Chief Compliance Officers, CBR Compliance Officers, Healthcare Auditors, Healthcare Compliance Personnel, Chargemaster Coordinators, Billing and Claims Generation Personnel, Patient Financial Management Personnel, Cost Accounting Personnel, Cost Report Personnel, Financial Analysts, Managed Care Contract Personnel, Revenue Enhancement Personnel, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Compliance Officers, Financial Planners, Clinic Managers/Administrators Utilization Review Personnel, Medical Staff Organization Personnel, Physicians, Non-Physician Practitioners, All Other Hospital Personnel Interested in Compliance and RAC Activities
Duane C. Abbey, Ph.D., is a management consultant and president of Abbey & Abbey, Consultants, Inc. that specializes in health care consulting and related areas. His firm is based in Ames, Iowa. Dr. Abbey earned his graduate degrees at the University of Notre Dame and IowaStateUniversity specializing in mathematics and computer science. Dr. Abbey has published many articles in a variety of professional publications. Also, he has published more than a dozen books on healthcare topics for publishers such as McGraw-Hill, HCPro and Francis & Taylor. Dr. Abbey works extensively in all areas relating to coding, billing and reimbursement. This includes various payment systems, provider-based clinics, HIPAA privacy and security, and revenue enhancement for hospitals and clinics. He has worked extensively with physicians and hospitals. And, yes, his favorite reading material is the Federal Register!
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST