In today’s world of food safety, everyone in the supply chain is challenged to document what they are doing. This seemingly expensive documentation yields data that is valuable to cutting costs, improving food safety, meeting legal requirements and improving business processes.
But most companies do not yet know how to use the data they spend so much time and money collecting. Yet, there are some relatively easy, quick to implement analytic approaches farms, processors, supply chains, distributors and packers can implement to help them manage more efficiently.
Analytics is the process of converting raw data into useful management information. Easy to understand trends and dashboards make data visible allowing all minds to focus on issues.
This 90-minute training session will illustrate how the time and money spent environmental sampling at farms, planning for preventive controls, assuring supplier compliance, and managing process critical controls can be converted and used by managers and teams to glean critical information from often confusing data and used to drive cost reductions and business improvements.
The FDA requires validation of your company preventive control plan.This means that your company and your suppliers must prove that you can control hazards or are working to control hazards. Most companies look at this requirement as an expensive, manpower consuming exercise in futility.
Dr. John Ryan is a certified Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PQCI) specializing in food safety process control and food safety plan validation. He holds a Ph.D. in research and statistical methods and has extensive international manufacturing quality and operations experience in large and small manufacturing operations and he is a retired Hawaii State Department of Agriculture Quality Assurance Division administrator.He currently operates two business divisions focused on food safety system validation ( and transportation controls ( has previously published books other covering food fraud, teams and teamwork and has recently completed a new book on validating preventive controls in food operations.
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