Wage and Hour Liability: A Ticking Time Bomb

HUMAN RESOURCE Dec 04, 2017 60 minutes
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST


The IRS, the Department of Labor, the EEOC, state agencies, and trial lawyers have put employers on notice: Wage and hour issues are a “significant problem with adverse consequences.” To address this problem federal and state agencies have hired additional auditors and committed additional resources to identify noncompliance. As a result, employers’ exposure to liabilities associated with wage and hour issues is increasing.

Of particular concern are employer's classification of employees and independent contractors, employers’ determination of employees’ exempt and nonexempt status, the payment of wages for “non-work time,” and the issue of pay equity.  To prevent wage and hour violations and reduce your exposure compensation related liabilities, your organization must take proactive measures to properly classify workers, ensure that managers and supervisors are knowledgeable of wage and hour requirements, correct pay errors when they occur, publish a notice that you are committed to compliance, and demonstrate that commitment through effective governance and risk management practices, including internal audits.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Review key wage and hour laws and regulations
  • Review the nexus between compensation decisions and discrimination claims
  • Review the current status of DOL, IRS and other federal and state wage and hour initiatives
  • Discuss and assess wage and hour liability exposure,
  • Review critical compliance and management issues and effective internal auditing practices. 

Who should Attend?  

  • HR professionals
  • CFOs
  • Compliance officers
  • Internal Auditors
  • Risk Managers
  • This webinar provides attendees with actionable information to reduce their organization’s exposure to wage and hour claims and liabilities.
Presenter BIO

Ronald Adler is the president-CEO of Laurdan Associates, Inc., a veteran owned, human resource management consulting firm specializing in HR audits, employment practices liability risk management, HR metrics and benchmarking, strategic HR-business issues and unemployment insurance issues. Mr. Adler has more than 41 years of HR consulting experience working with U.S. and international firms, small businesses and non-profits, printers, insurance companies and brokers, and employer organizations.

Mr. Adler is an internationally recognized thought leader on HR auditing and is thedeveloper of the Employment-Labor Law Audit (ELLA), the nation’s leading HR auditing and employment practices liability risk assessment tool.

Mr. Adler is an adjunct professor at Villanova University’s Graduate Program in Human Resources Development and teaches courses on HR auditing and HR management. Mr. Adler is also a certified instructor for the CPCU Society and conducts courses on employment practices liabilities.

Mr. Adler has served on two national taskforces developing professional standards in human capital measurement and performance management.

Mr. Adler is a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors. Mr. Adler is also a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and serves as a subject matter expert (SME) to SHRM on HR metrics and workplace issues.

Mr. Adler has a B.S. degree in Finance from the University of Maryland and an M.B.A. from Southern Illinois University.

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