What is MACRA (MIPS/APM’s) and how does HIPAA apply

HEALTHCARE May 31, 2017 90 minutes
01:00 PM EST 12:00 PM CST 11:00 AM MST 10:00 AM PST


We will be discussing the positives and negatives of both the “pay-for-performance” programs (MIPS) Merit based Incentive Payment System and (APM’s) Advanced Alternative Payment Models.

This lesson will provide a crash course on the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization (MACRA) and how this replaces the old Medicare reimbursement schedule with a new “pay-for-performance” program.

I will also explain how practice managers (or compliance offers) need to get their HIPAA house in order as this law is now fully enforced and the government is not using kid gloves anymore. I will give specific examples of litigated cases I have been involved with where HIPAA violations lead to prosecution under state laws of negligence.

I will also give specifics relating to working with (and against) the Federal government in multiple HIPAA audits from 2016.

This lesson will also cover how HIPAA specifically applies to MACRA and the importance of providing the government “proof” of HIPAA compliance.

I will explain specifically how this is done and why HIPAA is a core measurement under MACRA.

Areas Covered in the Session:-

  • MIPS
  • APM’s
  • HIPAA Security Risk Assessment
  • Risk factors
  • HIPAA and litigation

Why should you attend:-

Did you also know the proving HIPAA compliance is a major piece of MACRA? Are you prepared to provide the required HIPAA aspects for MACRA?

Confused as to the inner workings of the new MACRA federal Medicare program? Unsure about what to do? How to comply? Are you prepared for which track you will choose, MIPS vs APM’s?

Who will Benefit?

  • Private practice
  • Hospitals
  • Outpatient Facilities
  • Attorneys
Presenter BIO

Brian L Tuttle is a Certified Professional in Health IT (CPHIT), Certified HIPAA Professional (CHP), Certified HIPAA Administrator (CHA), Certified Business Resilience Auditor (CBRA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with over 17 years’ experience in Health IT and Compliance Consulting with vast experience in health IT systems (i.e. practice management, EHR systems, imaging, transcription, medical messaging, etc.) as well as over 17 years’ experience in standard Health IT with multiple certifications and hands-on knowledge, Brian serves as compliance consultant and has conducted onsite and remote risk assessments for over 1000 medical practices, hospitals, health departments, insurance plans, and business associates throughout the United States.

In addition, Mr Tuttle has served in multiple litigated court cases serving as an expert witness offering input related to best practices and requirements for securing and providing patient access to protected health information. Mr. Tuttle has also worked directly with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) both in defending covered entities and business associates.

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